What is Groww Mutual Fund‘s thought process for launching its first ETF and that too on the electric vehicle side?
Varun Gupta: We have completed the acquisition of the AMC we are acquiring about a year back. We launched our first one in October 2023 and since then, we have been waiting for the right opportunity to launch our ETF. Historically, if you look at it, ETF has not been very popular among retail investors in India. But with the current rise in Demat accounts, a lot of people, a lot of investors getting comfortable with how to trade or how to buy and sell stocks, we believe ETF gives opportunity to all kinds of investors to participate in the market with ETF route as well.
Just to simplify, many investors might not be aware of what an ETF is. An ETF is like a mutual fund where it invests in a basket of stocks. But more importantly, unlike mutual funds, these units are traded in the exchange. So, at any point of time, you can buy and sell the units. Now, coming to why EV ETF? Our aim as a fund house is to give great investment opportunities to our investors.
EV (electrical vehicles), in India, is at a very early stage, where the penetration is only 5% in electric two-wheelers but this penetration was only 0.2% four years back. In 2021, we registered only 23,000 electric two-wheelers in India, and now in FY24, we registered close to one million. So, it is on a very rising growth path. We also have examples globally where a similar growth has been seen. The 5% penetration equivalent to China currently is at about 30% and the US is 20% plus and in some Scandinavian countries it is 80% plus.
The Indian government’s target is to take this 5% to 30% by the year 2030. In our point of view, EVs and new-age automotives give a very strong decadal growth opportunity and we have launched this ETF and FOF (fund of funds) for our investors to benefit out of this trend.
What exactly has made you that positive on the EV sector? What sort of an initiative or policies from the government have you seen that is giving you more faith that the EV sector is here to grow and therefore EV should be part of one’s portfolio?
Varun Gupta: Yes, there are multiple government initiatives. They came out with FAME 1, which is the faster adoption of manufacturing of electric and hybrid vehicles in 2015. After that, it has been FAME 2, which has had more than Rs 11,500 crore of investment. Most recently, they have come up with an electric mobility EMPS plan, where they have simplified the electric ownership and also reduced the custom duty of electric vehicles. Very importantly, there is also PLI linked incentive. The government has invested close to Rs 44,000 crore in PLI and most recently in the conversion from ACC EV manufacturer, so ACC battery manufacturing. There are a lot of government initiatives. We all know the GST on electric vehicles is lesser than the ICE vehicle. So, with this subsidy, the total cost of ownership of electric vehicles over the next four to five years is significantly less than ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles. And because of that, there is a huge demand among customers. We see that this sector or this EV industry has hit the triangle of growth where the total cost of ownership is low, so there is a large customer demand. There is a strong focus by the government on the manufacturing of electric vehicles with initiatives, with the incentives, so that is there.
The third is the charging infra, which curtails a lot of people from owning this vehicle, but that is also up and coming. We believe that the overall growth in EVs will continue. Very importantly, in Budget, there was a strong focus on employment and employment via manufacturing. Now, the auto industry contributes about 50% to the overall manufacturing and so we believe some reports suggest that EVs, if they continue to grow in the way it is growing, will create close to one crore standalone direct jobs over the next seven to eight years. Indirectly, it will create about five crore jobs, so that is why overall we believe there is a lot of government push and the triangle of growth is coming in this sector.
But let me talk more about your ETF and FOF. Could you explain what the Nifty EV and the new-age automotive indexes are? What is the difference between them, what will they consist and also is there any data that you could tell us about the index, how has it performed historically when you compare it, particularly with the Nifty 50 index then?
Varun Gupta: EVs and new-age automotive is a completely new technology and let me start with certain examples. Whenever there is a new technology change which comes in the world, there is a lot of disruption. At the company level, disruption can mean both positive and negative.
In mobile phones, mobile phones started being called smartphones, and there was a big disruption. Big companies like Nokia, and BlackBerry, which could not adapt to this change went completely downhill. But, it led to the rise of very new giants like Samsung started getting known for its smartphones. Many Chinese companies as well as Apple, etc. So, that is where we believe when you are investing in a technology-based theme, then you should invest not in just some certain stocks, but in the entire value chain.
What this ETF does, what this index does particularly, is it invests in the automobile manufacturer or the OEMs, as we call it. It also invests in the battery manufacturers. It invests in battery component manufacturers. It invests in the raw material providers, the companies that provide raw materials for this manufacturing, especially the chemical companies like Tata Chemical, etc. And also invests in the companies that are providing technology for these electric vehicles to start functioning well.
Over and above all of this, some companies are getting missed because of their size, it invests in those smaller companies also which are getting the PLI incentive from the government. Because of all of this, this overall index has become a full value chain. It invests in the overall EV and new-age automotive sector in India. This is the only index that I am aware of which gets rebalanced every three months.
So, if there is any new company that is coming up with its EV model, they can come into this index in three months. Right now, there is no pure-play EV player because these are all incumbents. As soon as a new pure-play EV player comes up in the next rebalancing, it will also become a part of the index. So, overall, it captures the entire gamut of the EV sector.
How the index has performed?
Varun Gupta: The index has been formed recently. But the last year, three-year and five-year returns, compared to Nifty 50, have been significantly better. Very importantly, when you talk about returns, you will talk about risk-adjusted returns because it depends on how much risk you have taken to generate that kind of returns, and for that we measure something called a Sharpe ratio. The Sharpe ratio has been better off than Nifty 50. It has been higher.
But again, I want to put a caveat here that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. If you want to invest in this fund, in this ETF, you have to consider that this is a thematic portfolio. This is not a pure diversified fund. So, it should not form a part of your core portfolio. It should form a part of your satellite portfolio. Depending on your risk appetite and your conviction behind the sector, you can choose to allocate 5% to 10% of your… You can consult your financial advisor, read the scheme documents, and then choose to allot 5% to 10% of your overall investment portfolio.
Explain about the Groww, Nifty EV, and New Age Automotive ETF Fund of Fund and also, what should investors know when you talk about the NFO period or the process of investing for the scheme? You have mentioned very categorically about the companies that it forms, and how you will have the rebalancing as well.
Varun Gupta: There are two ways in which investors can invest, there is ETF and there is FOF. ETF, if you want to invest, the NFO is open till 2nd of August. If you have a Demat account, you can invest it via any of the brokers or you can invest via any of the financial advisors. They can also help you invest in this ETF. The second is Nifty EV FOF. That NFO is open till August 7. There, it is like any other mutual fund. It is available to all your financial advisors. It is available on all mutual fund platforms. You can invest via the SIP route or a direct lump-sum route via any of the mutual fund intermediaries.